Sunday, 25 September 2016

Websites supposedly offering FREE books

Let it be known that I have no sympathy for people who deliberately attempt to download free books from dubious websites, while suspecting they are allegedly stolen, and download a virus. In fact, I hope you do download a virus. Perhaps you might realise that you should have paid the dollar or two instead of being complicit in the theft of intellectual rights and copyrighted material. Anybody who does this is only supporting these illegal enterprises, so probably deserve whatever badness they get.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Strange book titles

Strange book titles:
Experiments on the spoilage of tomato ketchup
Old age, its cause and prevention
People who don’t know they’re dead
Cheese rolling in Gloucester
How to survive a robot uprising
Teleportation - a how-to guide
Natural bust enlargement with total mind power
Teach your wife to be a widow
How to poo on a date: the lover’s guide to toilet etiquette
Wildlife contraception